Solita Tech meetup

Solitan Tech meetupit ovat rentoja tekkipainotteisia tapahtumia asiantuntijalta asiantuntijalle. Turha ylätason kalvojumppa on jätetty pois ja paneudumme tiukasti teknologioihin esimerkkien kautta. Ilmoittaudu mukaan!


16.30 Ovet aukeaa – hampurilaisia + virvokkeita + verkostoitumista
17.00 Avaussanat + esitykset + lyhyet tauot esitysten välissä
18.30 Verkostoitumista ja virvokkeita
19.00 Tapahtuma päättyy


Crazy Town, Rautatienpuistokatu 7, 28130 Pori

Esitykset (englanniksi)

Vesa Lahdenperä: Time to Commit – Creating Productive Developers
Onboarding is an often overlooked part of our craft. Regardless of experience, when starting in new organisations or projects, we all need onboarding. The onboarding experience is something that both onboardee and onboarder should understand. They both play a central role in a developers onboarding process. However, onboarding is a rarely discussed topic. And the theory, purposes and methods are often veiled in mystery. So if you have a hazy image of onboarding – come and listen.

Ville-Petteri Outamaa: Surviving on a lean data budget
Byte sized bandwidth saving tips from a developer with a monthly data budget of a few dozen kilobytes.

Karthik Sindhya: ChatGPT hype or reality – Exploring the opportunities and Limitations of Language Models
ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a language model that has received significant attention in recent years due to its ability to generate human-like responses to text-based inputs. The potential applications of ChatGPT and language models more broadly are vast, with many industries exploring the use of this technology. However, there are also limitations and ethical concerns surrounding the use of language models that must be taken into consideration. In this talk, we aim to provide a balanced view of the ChatGPT hype, exploring both the opportunities and limitations of the technology. Our goal is to gain a more nuanced understanding of the reality of language models.

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