1. Boost your sales: 85% of Crazy Town members collaborate, significantly enhancing your opportunities for new business and partnerships. Our high-trust community of over 400 businesses makes it easy to connect with potential clients and partners.

2. Workspace as a service: Within one hour of signing, you get access to 10,000 m² of workspace in five cities across Finland, available 24/7. Need a furnished private office? We’ll have it ready within a day. It’s as flexible as any SaaS platform—no long-term commitment, with everything you need included. Add or reduce team members on the fly, with no administrative burden. Focus on your work. Your investors appreciate your money not being tied up in unnecessary rent or space that is wrong size for your team.

3. Never alone – we know people: Leverage the social capital from our team, members, partners, and extended network. With extensive connections across Finland and Europe, just give us a shout, and we’ll connect you with the right people. This can lead to valuable partnerships and joint projects.

4. Funding: Sometimes you need more than just social and human capital. That means money. Funding contacts and funding for entry to new markets are most sought after resources for startups. With our connections, you gain access to in-house angels, VC fund friends, and funding experts. We’ve helped our members secure millions in funding – sometimes all it takes is an intro.

5. Work-life balance and upskilling for your (remote) workers: With Crazy Town, you can recruit and expand your team nationwide. Even if they’re working remotely from their hometown, they’ll still have access to colleagues and peers from other companies. Enjoy social interaction and support through lunches, after-work meetups, but also professional development opportunities.

6. Founders and entrepreneurs need some love, too: The life of a startup founder can be shitty. We provide emotional peer support, fireside chats, mentors, and growth programs for those looking to advance further. Sometimes, a good chat with someone you trust over by the coffee machine or celebrating success with others makes all the difference.

7. New skills and creativity: Diversity is our strength. Our community includes solopreneurs, freelancers, startups, and NASDAQ-listed companies, offering a wide range of perspectives and opportunities. Surround yourself with people who bring different skills and viewpoints, and you’ll discover new ideas and approaches.

Click here to explore our offering for startups.

Contact us, or book a visit to one of our locations

Pavel Popov
+358 40 044 1973