Tribe Tampere, Business Tampere We+, Crazy Town and other partners have teamed up to offer a trip to the Greater Bay Area in China, the fastest growing bay area in the world to create long lasting friendship and business. You are invited!
- Guangzhou 5-6.8.
- Shenzhen 7-8.8.
- Hong Kong 9-10.8.
- Macau 11.8.
What can you expect?
- World top class networking with local Chinese entrepreneurs and investors and expats who have made their way in the Greater Bay Area as well as the FinEst Bay community
- Special events tailored for the coming entrepreneurs with the local community in the visited cities as well as special entrance to Slush-Shenzhen
- Unforgettable experience going through 4 different Asian iconic cities in seven days
- Life-long learning of the Chinese and Greater Bay Area business culture and as well as the business opportunities it withholds
- Practical and concrete approach: Objective for each participant is to find a partner in self-defined area which you are supported in advance
Organizers will help you to get matched with the potential partners in advance. Peter Vesterbacka will join the trip to help participants in networking.
What Greater Bay Area?
“If the initiative develops according to plan, the region will be transformed from “The Factory of the World” to a dynamic hub of innovation and services with a GDP of US$4.62 trillion by 2030. This could mean the PRD overtaking rival bay areas in Tokyo, New York, and San Francisco to become the biggest in the world in terms of GDP.”
- Over 80% of World’s electronics are build in the direct vicinity of Shenzhen
- Two legislative systems enable both making business in China and setting up IPRs in Hong Kong
- Tencent, Huawei and ZTE have their headquarters in Shenzhen, Guangzhou has Wechat, which is developing their own OS to challenge Android and IoS opening new markets
- World class technology and startups on smart mobility, drones, social media, internet applications and many other. Hong Kong alone has almost 2000 startups and most unicorns compared to capita.
- Shenzhen aiming to install 7000 5G stations and begin the commercial pilots by the end of the year 2019. Guangzhou already has 5G stations on its bus stops and in its international airport
- Multiple smart city projects are supported by close cooperation with startups and huge governmental funds
- Cities compete fiercely on getting the best entrepreneurs on board, various different services and investments are provided
What FinEstBay Area?
FinEstBay is the area covering several major cities in Northern Europe. We will come together to Greater Bay Area as a community. With the future plans coming to life the our cities will be even more closely bound together in common goals and fast rail-connections.