Investment company #digirockstars in partnership with Crazy Town Tampere continue weekly lean startup workshops in Tampere from January 2 onwards.
Startup founders can participate free-of-charge to any lean startup workshops and face-to-face meetings, which give them tools to think big, how to validate idea with small money and find early adopters.
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Is my idea good enough?
Should I quit my job and launch a startup?
Overwhelmed with “expert advice”?
No idea what to do next?
Looking for your first customers?
Need to test traction?
Any of the above familiar?
Then it’s time to START TESTING!
Join our Tuesday workshops, we will teach you how to answer those questions with a simple framework.
We start by identifying your potential customer and teach you how to test if they will buy your product, for how much and why.
90% of startups fail. Why? Because they start building products without knowing the above information.
You will leave the workshop with an understanding of the basics of Lean Startup and you will be ready to conduct your first experiment.
Come and learn how to launch a Lean Startup. We give you the theory and tools to kickstart your startup.
Lean startup workshops are held every Tuesday morning from January 2 onwards at Perhonen conference room in Crazy Town Tampere, Rautatienkatu 21 B, Tampere. Each workshop follows the same format.
9:30-9:35 Coffee and chat
9:35-10:50 Lean & Validation Basics
10:50-11:00 Break
11:00-12:00 Customer Personas, Inverviewing Basics, 20 ways to get customers.
Investment company (VC) #digirockstars focuses on pre- and early-stage startups. We operate cross-border and use lean startup methods to identify, source, prepare and help the most passionate and talented founders and disruptive ideas to rule the world.